Monday, February 26, 2007

A Good Iron

I had one of those expensive irons for years. The thing would never steam. It had a burst of steam -- a burst of cruddy stuff coming out of the vents. No amount of "cleaning" helped. I put up with it for 7 years!

Then I got the Seven Year Itch. . . .

So now I have an iron that looks like the iron my mother has had for decades. It's heavy. It gets HOT. It steams. And I love the way my quilt seams looks when I press them.


Anonymous said...

I love the quality of your pictures! Any tips you'd like to pass along?

Kay Ahr said...

Thank you!

I don't know what to say about tips. My camera is set at the highest resolution. I take lots of pictures and pick the ones that aren't fuzzy or off kilter!! (That means I toss out a lot of pictures.)