This is the wackiest little quiltie I have ever made! It measured out at 28" x 28" -- a size that just fits the requirements of being between 21" and 30" square. The block is Sky Rocket, a paper-pieced pattern from eQuiltPatterns.com.
So how did I happen to choose these colors? Well, I really just wanted some inexpensive fabric that I could experiment with. I truly want to use the pattern with Jackie Robinson's Fushia fabric. The fabric I really wanted was in the Ben Franklin in Sparks. I decided to try the sale table in Hancock's, the fabric shop next door.
My friend Koyya works at that Hancock's, and she provided wonderful customer service that evening! We were downright silly and chose these wacky-colored fabrics. What looks like a solid is a variegated fabric. (Not on the sale table!) I even went back another time to buy more of the stringy background fabric.
I learned something important about paper-piecing while doing these 4 blocks. I had been told not to take the paper off the back of the block until all the blocks were sewn together. Now I know why -- I had a hard time getting the points to meet at the middle of the quiltie. I think I did a great job with the points in the middle of each block though.
Now I'm off to do some more sewing. I decided to do Janet Wickell's Arizona Challenge at About.com. My version is almost finished. I'm adapting Janet's Through the Window pattern.
1 comment:
Hi, I hope you submit your Arizona quilt to the galleries when it's finished. ;-)
Janet W
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