Now someone has managed to hit my car right in its assigned parking spot at my apartment and knock off the rear-view mirror on the driver's side. Try to drive more than 35 mph, and the mirror flaps and bangs the car door like a dead blackbird.
The car has had to go to the dealership for the repairs. I drop it off and walk home 2½ miles. The next day I walk 1 mile to work, then walk 2 miles to pick up the car. Why not get a ride with someone? Because the weather is too beautiful to pass up the walk, and the scenery is beautiful. It's a safe walk. There are sidewalks or gravel pathways.
Twice I have done this drop-off/walk walk/pick-up routine. And both times I forgot to take my camera. Until today. The car's third trip to the dealership! The third time is the charm. And I finally remembered the camera. The lighting at the end of the day was perfect -- no bright sun's glare.
The photo is the Truckee River as it passes under Glendale Avenue near Galetti. Pretty, isn't it. . . .
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