My poor car. First it had something wrong with its electrical system and associated computer. If I tried to go for more than 20 miles at a sustained speed of 65 mph, the car shut off. It's real interresting to try to steer a car with no functioning electrical system. Especially going up a mountain, or around a blind corner at the top of an interstate exit ramp.
Now someone has managed to hit my car right in its assigned parking spot at my apartment and knock off the rear-view mirror on the driver's side. Try to drive more than 35 mph, and the mirror flaps and bangs the car door like a dead blackbird.
The car has had to go to the dealership for the repairs. I drop it off and walk home 2½ miles. The next day I walk 1 mile to work, then walk 2 miles to pick up the car. Why not get a ride with someone? Because the weather is too beautiful to pass up the walk, and the scenery is beautiful. It's a safe walk. There are sidewalks or gravel pathways.
Twice I have done this drop-off/walk walk/pick-up routine. And both times I forgot to take my camera. Until today. The car's third trip to the dealership! The third time is the charm. And I finally remembered the camera. The lighting at the end of the day was perfect -- no bright sun's glare.
The photo is the Truckee River as it passes under Glendale Avenue near Galetti. Pretty, isn't it. . . .
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