Monday, February 16, 2009

Fabric Detective. . . . how to found more fabric

I had a little bit of this red fabric. Used it in this block from the Pat Sloan Good Book Cafe Block of the Month. Boy, did I love the colors and fabrics together! BRAINSTORM -- make an entire quilt, maybe just a lap quilt, for myself!! At first I did not see the tiny writing on the very narrow selvage. Thought I'd just hop out to the fabric store and get some more of that red.

Now where did I buy that red fabric? Making the rounds of the local quilt shops was fun, but I found nothing. One shop did say they had carried it, but it was an old fabric and they had no more. In a few shops, I bought several yards of different red substitutes I was maybe willing to use.

There had to be a way to find this fabric!!

I took one last glance at the selvage and discovered the letters "RKS." It sure didn't stand for Sparks, the city where I live in Nevada. So I put a photo on my favorite Yahoo Group and hoped for the best. Sure enough, someone realized that "RKS" was probably the end of the company name Clothworks!

Now what? Head to Clothworks Textiles to see what it could be. Got frustrated looking through all the collections, so I had to head somewhere else. (It was there, so I realized later.) has a search feature and tons of fabrics! That's where I headed. And it was there!

Meanwhile, a member of the Yahoo Group came through for me. She had found the red fabric by searching for "red swirls" in an item search at Found!

A week and 5 yards later, I'm a happy quilting camper! So what about the other fabrics? I had yards and yards of each of those, thank goodness!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Heart Block

Each month for the past year, I've been contributing to the Ben Franklin Block of the Month in Sparks, Nevada. Participants buy a fat-eighth of focus fabric to make a 12-inch block. At the end of the month, a drawing is held to see who gets all the contributed blocks. If there are more than 20 blocks, two names are drawn.

I knew I wanted to make a heart for the February 2009 block, but what heart pattern would I use? I don't know what triggered my memory to go to Dawn Stewart's Quilting Clipart site. I had used her site several years ago to help build a front page for a quilting guild's website. She has a long list of suggestions for how to use her clipart. I took the last suggestion.

You can find the rest of my Ben Franklin BOM blocks at Webshots.